Copyright Notice
The entire Web site is Copyright ©2006-2024 by Key Title, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The site may not be copied or duplicated in whole or part by any means without express prior agreement in writing or unless specifically noted on the site.
Design & Graphics Credits
Site, logo, and graphics design by Brian Boehm.
Design support by Cheri Glover.
The sites developed by would not be possible without the excellent contributions from the world-wide open-source community and many fine but reasonably-priced commercial components.
- Font Awesome ©2019 Fonticons, Inc. Used with permission under the terms of the MIT (code), CC BY 4.0 (icons), and SIL OFL 1.1 (fonts) licenses.
- jQuery ©2019 The jQuery Project. Used with permission under the terms of the MIT License.
- jQueryUI ©2016 The jQuery Project and The jQueryUI Team. Used with permission under the terms of the MIT License.
- TinyMCE Community Edition ©2003-2020 Tiny Technologies, Inc. Used with permission under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (GPL).
- ezFileManager ©2015 Nazaret Armenagian, Webnaz Creations. Used with permission under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- PHPMailer ©2004-2019 Andy Prevost, Jim Jagielski and Marcus Bointon. Used with permission under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
- jQuery Cycle by Mike Alsup. Used with permission under the terms of the MIT License.
- fancyBox 3 ©2017 by Janis Skarnelis. All rights reserved. Used under the terms of a commercial license held by Will Fastie.
- bPopup ©2014-2015 by Bjørn Klinggaard. All rights reserved. Used under the terms of the "DWIWYWBPVMS" license. (Do With It What You Want But Please Visit My Sponsor).
- Image Resize PHP Class ©2008-2012 by Jarrod Oberto. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
- TinyAccordion ©2009 by Michael Leigeber. Used with permission.
- Any+Time DatePicker/TimePicker Copyright ©2008-2018 Andrew M. Andrews III. Some rights reserved. Used with permission under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 License.
- FullCalendar ©2019 by Adam Shaw. Used with permission under the terms of the MIT License.
- CrayonBox ©2011 by GelForm. Used with permission under the terms of the MIT License.
- RGBcolor.js by Stoyan Stefanov. Used with permission.
- jQuery KeepAlive plugin ©2011 by Olivier Combe. Used with permission under the terms of the MIT License.
- Instafeed.js by Steven Schobert. Used with permission.
- Equal Height Columns CSS layouts from Matthew James Taylor. Used with permission. A brilliant solution.
- And, of course, PHP and MySQL.
Browser Compatibility
The site has been developed using contemporary Web standards.
The site has been tested with a variety of devices, operating systems, and browsers. It is best viewed with modern, secure, up-to-date browsers. Internet Explorer is no longer recommended but if used, avoid versions earlier than 11.